National Reference Laboratory for E. coli and Shigellae
26 June 2024 | Monika Havlíčková, M.Sc., Ph.D.
The NRL is accredited according to the ČSN EN ISO 15189 as a public health laboratory by the Czech Accreditation Institute.
Head: Monika Havlíčková, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Deputy Head: Tereza Stárková, M.Sc.
The NRL was established by Prof. Raška as the NRL for Shigella in 1957 (first headed by RNDr. Eva Aldová, CSc.) and was confirmed as such by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic on December 13, 1991.
- focuses on laboratory diagnosis of gastrointestinal infections caused by pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, Shigella and other bacteria (Yersinia, Vibrio) and on the identification and typing of these agents;
- detects strains of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) in the stools of patients with hemolytic uremic syndrome using immunomagnetic separation;
- performs detection of Shiga toxins and other virulence factors in suspected STEC strains using genotypic method (polymerase chain reaction) and detection of clusters of infection using the whole genome sequencing;
- performs detailed identification of V. cholerae strains including the detection of cholera toxin using polymerase chain reaction;
- maintains the collection of STEC and V. cholerae strains classified among high-risk agents and toxins (HRAT) pursuant to the Act No. 281/2002 on measures relevant to bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons ban;
- carries out the surveillance of diseases caused by Shigella spp. and STEC; see Decree No. 389/2023 Coll. amending Decree No. 275/2010 and No. 473/2008 Coll. on System of epidemiological vigilance for selected infectious diseases;
- collaborates with epidemiologists in reporting cases of these diseases to the European networks TESSy (the European Surveillance System) and EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority);
- takes part in the laboratory proficiency testing within the EQA for STEC/VTEC on sero- and virulence typing of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli;
- collaborates with the National Consulting Laboratory for Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, Institute for Hygiene, University of Münster, Germany in the area of genotyping of STEC strains, and with the above mentioned Institute and the Robert Koch Institute, Wernigerode, Germany, in the whole genome sequencing of intestinal pathogenic E. coli strains.