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About us

Who we are
National Institute of Public Health (NIPH)

Our address
Šrobárova 49/48, 100 00 Praha 10

How you can reach us

Želivského stop

Metro – line A

Tram – No. 10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 26

Bus – 124, 139, 150, 155, 188, 199, 213, 268

When you disembark, head towards the big intersection with traffic lights – there is a tall 18-storey building on one of the corners. From there, leave the intersection downhill to Votická Street. At the bottom of the street there is a short passageway and stairs that will lead you down a long flight of stairs to a short street and pavement to the entrance to the NIPH premises.

Wheelchair access is available in the following buildings: 5, 7, 8, 11 a 23

If you come by car, parking in the NIPH premises is possible at the indicated places.


What we do

Our mission includes: 

  • Providing data for national health policy
  • Scientific and research activities
  • Education of health professionals
  • Health education of the population
  • Implementation of programmes for the protection and promotion of public health
  • International cooperation
  • Provision of services in the fields of microbiology, virology, parasitology, medical genetics, allergology, toxicology, pneumology, occupational medicine and practical medicine and hygiene
  • Fulfilment of tasks arising from the legislation of the Czech Republic, the EU and international treaties
  • Preparation of noise maps

 We focus on:

  • Issues of environmental impact on human health
  • Food safety and nutrition
  • The impact of work and the working environment on health
  • Prevention, promotion, and protection of public health
  • Infectious diseases, specialised diagnostics, methodological guidance on microbiological issues and education of specialists in medical microbiology
  • Safety of cosmetic products,
  • Genetics

We offer: 

  • Vaccination against influenza and COVID
  • HIV testing