Alexandr Nemec

Publications of Alexandr Nemec

English articles in peer-reviewed journals
Czech articles in peer-reviewed journals
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Students‘ theses
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Abstracts of conference papers

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English articles in peer-reviewed journals Up

Arahal DR, Bisgaard M, Christensen H, Clermont D, Dijkshoorn L, Duim B, Emler S, Figge M, Göker M*, Moore ERB, Nemec A, Nørskov-Lauritsen N, Nübel U, On SLW, Vandamme P, Ventosa A. The best of both worlds: a proposal for further integration of Candidatus names into the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes. J Syst Evol Microbiol 2024; 74(1): 006188. [link]

Nemec A*, Spanělová P, Shestivska V, Radolfová-Křížová L, Maixnerová M, Feng Y, Qin J, Cevallos M, Zong Z. Acinetobacter higginsii sp. nov. to accommodate organisms of human clinical origin previously classified as Acinetobacter genomic species 16. J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73(10): 006114. [link]

Cevallos MA, Basanta MD, Bello-López E, Escobedo-Muñoz AS, González-Serrano FM, Nemec A, Romero-Contreras YJ, Serrano M, Rebollar EA*. Genomic characterization of antifungal Acinetobacter bacteria isolated from the skin of the frogs Agalychnis callidryas and Craugastor fitzingeriFEMS Microbiol Ecol 2022; 98(12): fiac126.[link]

Nemec A*, Radolfová-Křížová L, Maixnerová M, Nemec M, Shestivska V, Spanělová P, Kyselková M, Wilharm G, Higgins PG. Acinetobacter amyesii sp. nov., widespread in the soil and water environment and animals. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72(10): 005642. [link]

Nemec A*, Radolfová-Křížová L, Maixnerová M, Shestivska V, Spanělová P, Higgins PG. Acinetobacter silvestris sp. nov. discovered in forest ecosystems in Czechia. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72(4): 005383. [link]

Do Pham DD, Jenčová V, Kaňuchová M, Bayram J, Grossová I, Šuca H, Urban L, Havlíčková K, Novotný V, Mikeš P, Mojr V, Asati-ani N, Kuželová Košťáková E, Maixnerová M, Vlková A, Vítovská D, Šanderová H, Nemec A, Krásný L, Zajíček R, Lukáš D, Rejman D*, Gál P*. Novel lipophosphonoxin-loaded polycaprolactone electrospun nanofiber dressing reduces Staphylococcus aureus induced wound infection in mice. Sci Rep 2021; 11: 17688. [link]

Nemec A*, Radolfová-Křížová L, Maixnerová M, Nemec M, Spanělová P, Šafránková R, Šedo O, Lopez BS, Higgins PG. Delineation of a novel environmental phylogroup of the genus Acinetobacter encompassing Acinetobacter terrae sp. nov., Acinetobacter terrestris sp. nov. and three other tentative species. Syst Appl Microbiol 2021; 44: 126217. [abstract]

Nemec A*. Strain “Acinetobacter mesopotamicus” GC2 does not represent a novel species, but belongs to the species Acinetobacter lwoffii as revealed by whole-genome sequence-based analysis. Curr Microbiol 2021; 78: 369–370. [abstract]

Bisgaard M, Christensen H*, Clermont D, Dijkshoorn L, Janda JM, Moore ERB, Nemec A, Nørskov-Lauritsen N, Overmann J, Reubsaet FAG. The use of DNA sequences as type of material for valid publication of bacterial species names will have severe implications for clinical microbiology and related disciplines. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2019; 95: 102–103. [link]

Marí-Almirall M, Cosgaya C, Pons MJ, Nemec A, Ochoa TJ, Ruiz J, Roca I*, Vila J. Pathogenic Acinetobacter species including the novel Acinetobacter dijkshoorniae recovered from market meat in Peru. Int J Food Microbiol 2019; 305: 108248. [abstract]

Qin J, Maixnerová M, Nemec M, Feng Y, Zhang X, Nemec A*, Zong Z*. Description of Acinetobacter cumulans sp. nov., isolated from hospital sewage and capable of acquisition of multiple antibiotic resistance genes. Syst Appl Microbiol 2019; 42: 319–325. [abstract]

Nemec A*, Radolfova-Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Nemec M, Clermont D, Bzdil J, Jezek P, Spanelova P. Revising the taxonomy of the Acinetobacter lwoffii group: the description of Acinetobacter pseudolwoffii sp. nov. and emended description of Acinetobacter lwoffiiSyst Appl Microbiol 2019; 42: 159–167. [abstract]

Teixeira M, Nemec A, Sousa C*. Differentiation of taxonomically closely related species of the genus Acinetobacter using Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics. Molecules 2019; 24: 168. [full text]

Šedo O*, Radolfová-Křížová L, Nemec A, Zdráhal Z. Limitations of routine MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric identification of Acinetobacter species and remedial actions. J Microbiol Methods 2018; 154: 79–85. [abstract]

Hu Y, Feng Y, Qin J, Radolfova-Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Zhang X, Nemec A, Zong Z*. Acinetobacter wuhouensis sp. nov., isolated from hospital sewage. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2018; 68(Pt 10): 3212–3216. [full text]

Cerezales M*, Xanthopoulou K, Ertel J, Nemec A, Bustamante Z, Seifert H, Gallego L, Higgins PG. Identification of Acinetobacter seifertii isolated from Bolivian hospitals. J Med Microbiol 2018; 67(6): 834–837. [full text]

Oliveira H, Costa AR, Konstantinidis N, Ferreira A, Akturk E, Sillankorva S, Nemec A, Shneider M, Dötsch A, Azeredo J*. Ability of phages to infect Acinetobacter calcoaceticusAcinetobacter baumannii complex species through acquisition of different pectate lyase depolymerase domains. Env Microbiol 2017; 19(12): 5060–5077. [abstract]

Nemec A*, Radolfova-Krizova L. Acinetobacter guangdongensis Feng et al. 2014 is a junior heterotypic synonym of Acinetobacter indicus Malhotra et al. 2012. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2017; 67(Pt 10): 4080–4082. [full text]

Nemec A*, Radolfova-Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Sedo O. Acinetobacter colistiniresistens sp. nov. (formerly genomic species 13 sensu Bouvet and Jeanjean and genomic species 14 sensu Tjernberg and Ursing), isolated from human infections and characterised by intrinsic resistance to polymyxins. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2017; 67(Pt 7): 2134–2141. [full text]

Nemec A*, Radolfova-Krizova L. Acinetobacter pakistanensis Abbas et al. 2014 is a later heterotypic synonym of Acinetobacter bohemicus Krizova et al. 2014. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2016; 66(Pt 12): 5614–5617. [full text]

Radolfova-Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Nemec A*. Acinetobacter celticus sp. nov., a psychrotolerant species widespread in natural soil and water ecosystems of Bohemia, Czech Republic. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2016; 66(Pt 12): 5392–5398. [full text]

Radolfova-Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Nemec A*. Acinetobacter pragensis sp. nov., found in soil and water ecosystems. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2016; 66(Pt 10): 3897–3903. [full text]

Dryahina K*, Sovova K, Nemec A, Spanel P. Differentiation of pulmonary bacterial pathogens in cystic fibrosis by volatile metabolites emitted by their in vitro cultures: Pseudomonas aeruginosaStaphylococcus aureusStenotrophomonas maltophilia and the Burkholderia cepacia complex. J Breath Res 2016; 10(3): 037102. [abstract]

Nemec A*, Radolfova-Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Vrestiakova E, Jezek P, Sedo O. Taxonomy of haemolytic and/or proteolytic strains of the genus Acinetobacter with the proposal of Acinetobacter courvalinii sp. nov. (genomic species 14 sensu Bouvet & Jeanjean), Acinetobacter dispersus sp. nov. (genomic species 17), Acinetobacter modestus sp. nov., Acinetobacter proteolyticus sp. nov. and Acinetobacter vivianii sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2016; 66(Pt 4): 1673–1685. [full text]

Yoon E-J, Goussard S, Nemec A, Lambert T, Courvalin P*, Grillot-Courvalin C. Origin in Acinetobacter gyllenbergii and dissemination of aminoglycoside-modifying enzyme AAC(6’)-Ih. J Antimicrob Chemother 2016; 71(3): 601–606. [full text]

Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Sedo O, Nemec A*. Acinetobacter albensis sp. nov., isolated from natural soil and water ecosystems. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2015; 65(Pt 11): 3905-3912. [full text]

Toh BEW, Zowawi HM, Krizova L, Paterson DL, Kamolvit W, Peleg AY, Sidjabat H, Nemec A, Pflüger V, Huber CA*. Differentiation of Acinetobacter genomic species 13BJ/14TU from Acinetobacter haemolyticus by use of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). J Clin Microbiol 2015; 53(10): 3384–3386. Letter. [full text]

Shestivska V, Dryahina K, Nunvar J, Sovová K, Elhottová D, Nemec A, Smith D, Spanel P*. Quantitative analysis of volatile metabolites released in vitro by bacteria of the genus Stenotrophomonas for identification of breath biomarkers of respiratory infection in cystic fibrosis. J Breath Res; 9(2): 027104. [abstract]

Nemec A*, Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Sedo O, Brisse S, Higgins PG. Acinetobacter seifertii sp. nov., a member of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticusAcinetobacter baumannii complex isolated from human clinical specimens. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2015; 65(Pt 3): 934–942. [full text]

Krizova L, McGinnis J, Maixnerova M, Nemec M, Poirel L, Mingle L, Sedo O, Wolfgang W, Nemec A*. Acinetobacter variabilis sp. nov. (formerly DNA group 15 sensu Tjernberg & Ursing), isolated from humans and animals (vol 65, pg 857, 2015). Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2015; 65(Pt 4): 1395. Erratum

Krizova L, McGinnis J, Maixnerova M, Nemec M, Poirel L, Mingle L, Sedo O, Wolfgang W, Nemec A*. Acinetobacter variabilis sp. nov. (formerly DNA group 15 sensu Tjernberg & Ursing), isolated from humans and animals. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2015; 65(Pt 3): 857–863. [full text] [erratum]

Almuzara M, Traglia G, Krizova L, Barberis C, Montaña S, Bakai R, Tuduri A, Vay C, Nemec A*, Ramirez MS*. A taxonomically unique Acinetobacter strain with proteolytic and hemolytic activities recovered from a patient with a soft tissue injury. J Clin Microbiol 2015; 53(1): 349–351. [full text]

Smet A, Cools P, Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Sedo O, Haesebrouck F, Kempf M, Nemec A, Vaneechoutte M*. Description of Acinetobacter gandensis sp. nov. isolated from horse and cattle. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014; 64(Pt 12): 4007–4015. [full text]

Touchon M, Cury J, Yoon EJ, Krizova L, Cerqueira GC, Murphy C, Feldgarden M, Wortman J, Clermont D, Lambert T, Grillot-Courvalin C, Nemec A*, Courvalin P*, Rocha EPC*. The genomic diversification of the whole Acinetobacter genus: origins, mechanisms, and consequences. Genome Biol Evol 2014; 6(10): 2866–2882. [full text]

Yoon EJ, Goussard S, Touchon M, Krizova L, Cerqueira G, Murphy C, Lambert T, Grillot-Courvalin C, Nemec A, Courvalin P*. Origin in Acinetobacter guillouiae and dissemination of aminoglycoside modifying enzyme Aph(3’)-VI. mBio 2014; 5(5): e01972–14. [full text]

Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Sedo O, Nemec A*. Acinetobacter bohemicus sp. nov. widespread in natural soil and water ecosystems in the Czech Republic. Syst Appl Microbiol 2014; 37(7): 467–473. [abstract] [supplementary data]

Sousa C, Botelho J, Silva L, Grosso F, Nemec A, Joao L, Peixe L*. MALDI-TOF MS and chemometric based identification of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex species. Int J Med Microbiol 2014; 304(5–6): 669–677. [abstract]

Sousa C, Silva L, Grosso F, Nemec A, Lopes J, Peixe L*. Discrimination of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex species by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2014; 33(8): 1345–1353. [abstract]

Perichon B, Goussard S, Walewski V, Krizova L, Cerqueira G, Murphy C, Feldgarden M, Wortman J, Clermont D, Nemec A*, Courvalin P*. Identification of 50 class D β-lactamases and 65 Acinetobacter-Derived Cephalosporinases in Acinetobacter spp. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014; 58(2): 936–949. [full text] [supplementary data]

Šedo O, Nemec A, Křížová L, Kačalová M, Zdráhal Z*. Improvement of MALDI-TOF MS profiling for the differentiation of species within the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus – Acinetobacter baumannii complex. Syst Appl Microbiol 2013; 36(8): 572–578. [abstract] [supplementary data]

Krizova L, Poirel L, Nordmann P, Nemec A*. TEM-1 β-lactamase as a source of resistance to sulbactam in clinical strains of Acinetobacter baumanniiJ Antimicrob Chemother 2013; 68(12): 2786–2791. [full text] [supplementary data]

Golic A, Vaneechoutte M, Nemec A, Viale AM, Actis LA, Mussi MA*. Staring at the cold sun: blue light regulation is distributed within the genus AcinetobacterPLoS ONE 2013; 8(1): e55059. [full text]

Smet A*, Boyen Filip, Pasmans F, Butaye P, Martens A, Nemec A, Deschaght P, Vaneechoutte M, Haesebrouck F. OXA-23-producing Acinetobacter species from horses: a public health hazard? J Antimicrob Chemother 2012; 67: 3009–3010. Letter. [full text]

Shestivska V, Španěl P, Dryahina K, Sovová K, Smith D, Musilek M, Nemec A*Variability in concentrations of volatile metabolites emitted by genotypically different strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosaJ Appl Microbiol 2012; 113(3): 701–713. [full text] [supplementary data]

Zander E, Nemec A, Seifert H, Higgins PG*. Association between β-lactamase encoding blaOXA-51 variants and DiversiLab rep-PCR based typing of Acinetobacter baumanniiJ Clin Microbiol 2012; 50(6): 1900–1904. [full text]

Nemec A*, Krizova L. Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii carrying the NDM-1 gene, Czech Republic, 2011. Euro Surveill 2012; 17(11): pii=20121. Letter. [full text]

Krizova L*, Bonnin RA, Nordmann P, Nemec A, Poirel L. Characterization of a multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strain carrying the blaNDM-1 and blaOXA-23 carbapenemase genes from the Czech Republic. J Antimicrob Chemother 2012; 67(6): 1550–1552. Letter. [full text]

Mara K, Decorosi F, Viti C, Giovannetti L, Papalo MC, Maida I, Perrin E, Fondi M, Vaneechoutte M, Nemec A, van den Barselaar M, Dijkshoorn L, Fani R*. Molecular and phenotypic characterization of Acinetobacter strains able to degrade diesel fuel. Res Microbiol 2012; 163(3): 161–172. [abstract]

Shestivska V, Nemec A, Dřevínek P, Sovová K, Dryahina K, Španěl P*. Quantification of methyl thiocyanate in the headspace of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultures and in the breath of cystic fibrosis patients by selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 2011; 25: 2459–2467. [abstract]

Krizova L, Dijkshoorn L, Nemec A*. Diversity and evolution of AbaR genomic resistance islands in Acinetobacter baumannii strains of European clone I. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2011; 55: 3201–3206. [full text] [supplementary data]

Nemec A, Krizova L, Maixnerova M, van der Reijden TJK, Deschaght P, Passet V, Vaneechoutte M, Brisse S, Dijkshoorn L*. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex with the proposal of Acinetobacter pittii sp. nov. (formerly Acinetobacter genomic species 3) and Acinetobacter nosocomialis sp. nov. (formerly Acinetobacter genomic species 13TU). Res Microbiol 2011; 162: 393–404. [abstract] [supplementary data]

Krizova L, Nemec A*. A 63 kb genomic resistance island found in a multidrug–resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolate of European clone I from 1977. J Antimicrob Chemother 2010; 65: 1915–1918. [full text] [supplementary data]

Nemec A*, Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Musilek M. Multidrug–resistant epidemic clones among bloodstream isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the Czech Republic. Res Microbiol 2010; 161: 234–242. [abstract]

Diancourt L, Passet V, Nemec A, Dijkshoorn L, Brisse S*. The population structure of Acinetobacter baumannii: expanding multiresistant clones from an ancestral susceptible genetic pool. PLoS ONE 2010; 5: e10034. [full text] [erratum]

Nemec A*, Musílek M, Šedo O, De Baere T, Maixnerová M, van der Reijden TJK, Zdráhal Z, Vaneechoutte M, Dijkshoorn L. Acinetobacter bereziniae sp. nov. and Acinetobacter guillouiae sp. nov., to accommodate Acinetobacter genomic species 10 and 11, respectively. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2010; 60: 896–903. [full text] [supplementary data]

Nemec A*, Dijkshoorn L. Variations in colistin susceptibilities among different species of the genus AcinetobacterJ Antimicrob Chemother 2010; 65: 367–369. Letter. [full text]

Vaneechoutte M*, Nemec A, Musílek M, van der Reijden TJK, van den Barselaar M, Tjernberg I, Calame W, Fani R, De Baere T, Dijkshoorn L. Description of Acinetobacter venetianus ex Di Cello et al. 1997 sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2009; 59: 1376–1381. [full text] [supplementary data]

Nemec A*, Musílek M, Maixnerová M, van der Reijden TJK, De Baere T, Vaneechoutte M, Dijkshoorn L. Acinetobacter beijerinckii sp. nov. and Acinetobacter gyllenbergii sp. nov., haemolytic organisms isolated from humans. J Syst Evol Microbiol 2009; 59: 118–124. [full text] [supplementary data]

Nemec A*, Musílek M, Vaneechoute M, Falsen E, Dijkshoorn L, Tang Y-W, Stratton CW, Mellmann A, Harmsen D. Lack of evidence for „Acinetobacter septicus“ as a species different from Acinetobacter ursingii? J Clin Microbiol  2008; 46: 2826–2827. Letter. [full text]

Nemec A*, Křížová L, Maixnerová M, Diancourt L, van der Reijden TJK, Brisse S, van den Broek P, Dijkshoorn L. Emergence of carbapenem resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii in the Czech Republic is associated with the spread of multidrug-resistant strains of European clone II. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008; 62: 484–489. [full text]

Vaneechoutte M*, De Baere T, Nemec A, Musílek M, van der Reijden TJK, Dijkshoorn L. Reclassification of Acinetobacter grimontii Carr et al. 2003 as a later synonym of Acinetobacter junii Bouvet and Grimont 1986. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2008; 58: 937–940. [full text]

Dijkshoorn L*, Nemec A, Seifert H. An increasing threat in the hospital: multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumanniiNat Rev Microbiol, 2007; 5: 939–951. [abstract]

Nemec A*, Maixnerová M, van der Reijden TJK, van den Broek PJ, Dijkshoorn L. Relationship between the AdeABC efflux system gene content, netilmicin susceptibility and multidrug resistance in a genotypically diverse collection of Acinetobacter baumannii strains. J Antimicrob Chemother 2007; 60: 483–489. [full text]

Vosahlikova S, Drevinek P, Cinek O, Pohunek P, Maixnerova M, Urbaskova P, van den Reijden TJK, Dijkshoorn L, Nemec A*. High genotypic diversity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from patients with cystic fibrosis in the Czech Republic. Res Microbiol 2007; 158: 324–329. [abstract]

Rodriguez-Bano J, Martí S, Ribera A, Fernández-Cuenca F, Dijkshoorn L, Nemec A, Pujol M, Vila J*. Nosocomial bacteremia due to a yet unclassified Acinetobacter genomic species 17-like strain. J Clin Microbiol 2006; 44: 1587–1589. [full text]

Vaneechoutte M*, Young DM, Ornston LN, De Baere T, Nemec A, van der Reijden TJK, Carr E, Tjernberg I, Dijkshoorn L. Naturally transformable Acinetobacter sp. strain ADP1 belongs to the newly described species Acinetobacter baylyiAppl Environ Microbiol 2006; 72: 932–936. [full text]

Huys G*, Cnockaert M, Nemec A, Swings J. Sequence-based typing of adeB as a potential tool to identify intraspecific groups among clinical strains of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumanniiJ Clin Microbiol 2005; 43: 5327–5331. [full text]

Huys G*, Cnockaert M, Nemec A, Dijkshoorn L, Brisse S, Vaneechoutte M, Swings J. Repetitive DNA element (rep)-PCR fingerprinting and antibiotic resistance of pan-European multi-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii clone III strains. J Med Microbiol 2005; 54: 851–856. [full text]

Huys G*, Cnockaert M, Vaneechoutte M, Woodford N, Nemec A, Dijkshoorn L, Swings J. Distribution of tetracycline resistance genes in genotypically related and unrelated multiresistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains from different European hospitals. Res Microbiol 2005; 156: 348–355. [abstract]

Dijkshoorn L*, van Aken E, Shunburne L, van der Reijden TJK, Bernards AT, Nemec A, Towner KJ. Prevalence of Acinetobacter baumannii and other Acinetobacter spp. in faecal samples from non-hospitalised individuals. Clin Microbiol Infect 2005; 11: 329–332. [full text]

Dijkshoorn L*, Brouwer CP, Boogaards S, Nemec A, van den Broek PJ, Nibbering P. The synthetic N-terminal peptide of human lactoferrin hLF(1-11) is highly effective against experimental infection caused by multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumanniiAntimicrob Agents Chemother 2004; 48: 4919–4921. [full text] [supplementary data]

Nemec A*, Dolzani L, Brisse S, van den Broek P, Dijkshoorn L. Diversity of aminoglycoside resistance genes and their association with class 1 integrons among strains of pan-European Acinetobacter baumannii clones. J Med Microbiol 2004; 53: 1233–1240. [full text] [supplementary data]

Nemec A*, Dijkshoorn L, van der Reijden TJK. Long-term predominance of two pan-European clones among multi-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains in the Czech Republic. J Med Microbiol 2004; 53: 147–153. [full text] [supplementary data]

Nemec A*, Dijkshoorn L, Cleenwerck I, De Baere T, Janssens D, van der Reijden TJK, Ježek P, Vaneechoutte M. Acinetobacter parvus sp. nov., a small colony-forming species isolated from human clinical specimens. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 200353: 1563–1567. [free full text]

Melter O*, Hercík K, Weyant RS, Janeček J, Nemec A, Mecera J, Gonzorová L, Branny P. Detection and characterization of feline Bartonella henselae in the Czech Republic. Vet Microbiol 2003; 93: 261–273. [abstract]

Dřevínek P*, Hrbáčková H, Cinek O, Bartošová J, Nyč O, Nemec A, Pohunek P. Direct PCR detection of Burkholderia cepacia complex and identification of its genomovars by using sputum as source of DNA. J Clin Microbiol, 2002; 40: 3485–3488. [full text]

Volf P*, Kiewegová A, Nemec ABacterial colonization in the gut of Phlebotomus duboscqi (Diptera: Psychodidae): transtadial passage and the role of female diet. Folia Parasitol 2002; 49:73–77. [full text]

Pantophlet R*, Severin JA, Nemec A, Brade L, Dijkshoorn L, Brade H. Identification of Acinetobacter isolates from species belonging to the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex with monoclonal antibodies specific for O antigens of their lipopolysaccharides. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2002; 9: 60–65. [full text]

Nemec A*, De Baere T, Tjernberg I, Vaneechoutte M, van der Reijden TJK, Dijkshoorn L. Acinetobacter ursingii sp. nov. and Acinetobacter schindleri sp. nov., isolated from human clinical specimens. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2001; 51: 1891–1899. [full text]

Pantophlet R*, Nemec A, Brade L, Brade H, Dijkshoorn L. O-antigen diversity among Acinetobacter baumannii strains from the Czech Republic and Northwestern Europe, as determined by lipopolysaccharide-specific monoclonal antibodies. J Clin Microbiol 2001; 39: 2576–2580. [full text]

Nemec A*, Dijkshoorn L, Ježek P. Recognition of two novel phenons of the genus Acinetobacter among non-glucose–acidifying isolates from human specimens. J Clin Microbiol 2000; 38: 3937–3941. [full text]

Nemec A*, Janda L, Melter O, Dijkshoorn L. Genotypic and phenotypic similarity of multiresistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolates in the Czech Republic. J Med Microbiol 1999; 48: 287–296. [full text]

Aldová E*, Schindler J, Šourek J, Nemec A, Urbášková P. Detection and isolation of Citrobacter sedlakiiZentralbl Bakteriol 1997; 285: 389–396. [abstract]

Nemec A, Haywood-Farmer A, Mackie GA*. Conserved amino acid residues in the primary structure of ribosomal protein S20 from selected Gram-negative bacteria. Biochim Biophys Acta 1995; 1263: 154–158. [abstract]

Urbášková P*, Schindler J, Aldová E, Nemec A. Antibiotic susceptibility of mesophilic aeromonads isolated in Czechoslovakia. Med Microbiol Lett 1993; 2: 152–158.

Czech articles in peer-reviewed journals (selected) Up

Nemec AMultirezistentní Acinetobacter baumannii. [Multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.] Klin Mikrobiol Infekc Lek 2008; 14(5): 162–167. [abstract] [full text]

Nemec AÚvodník. [Editorial.] Klin Mikrobiol Infekc Lek 2008; 14(5): 161. [full text]

Nemec A*, Maixnerová M, Musílek M. Multirezistentní klony Pseudomonas aeruginosa v České republice. [Multidrug resistant clones of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the Czech Republic.] Klin Mikrobiol Infekc Lek 2008; 14(5): 168–172. [abstract] [full text]

Nemec A*, Maixnerová M. Rezistence k aminoglykozidům u nemocničních kmenů Acinetobacter baumannii v České republice. [Aminoglycoside resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii hospital strains in the Czech Republic.] Klin Mikrobiol Infekc Lek 2004; 10: 223–228. [abstract] [full text]

Nemec A*, van der Reijden TJK, Dijkshoorn L. Multirezistentní klony Acinetobacter baumannii v České republice. [Multiresistant clones of Acinetobacter baumannii in the Czech Republic.] Klin Mikrobiol Infekc Lek 2003; 9: 130–137. [full text]

Nemec AVyužití diskového difúzního testu v epidemiologické typizaci multirezistentních kmenů Acinetobacter baumannii. [Use of the disk diffusion test for epidemiological typing of multiresistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains.] Klin Mikrobiol Inf Lék 1999; 5: 287–297. [full text]

Nemec A*, Urbášková P, Grimont F, Vránková J, Melter O, Schindler J. Identifikace a typizace nemocničních kmenů komplexu Acinetobacter calcoaceticus – Acinetobacter baumannii. [Identification and typing of hospital strains of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus – Acinetobacter baumannii complex.] Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 1996; 45: 71–82. [abstract] [full text]

Nemec A. Taxonomie rodu Acinetobacter. [Taxonomy of the genus Acinetobacter.Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 1996; 45: 23–29. [abstract] [full text]

Aldová E*, Schindler J, Nemec A, Šourek J, Urbášková P. Biochemické znaky Citrobacter sedlakii [Biochemical indicators of Citrobacter sedlakii]. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 1995; 44: 57–64. [abstract]

Aldová E*, Schindler J, Urbášková P, Nemec A. Biochemická identifikace aeromonád. [Biochemical identification of aeromonads.] Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 1994; 43: 55–60. [abstract]

Books and book chapters Up

Cools P*, Nemec A, Van den Abeele A-M, Kämpfer. AcinetobacterChryseobacteriumMoraxella, and other nonfermentative Gram-negative rods. In: Carroll KC, Pfaller MA, Landry ML, McAdam AJ, Patel R, Richter SS, Warnock DW (ed). Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 13th edition. Washington D.C.: ASM Press. In press

Nemec A*. Acinetobacter. In Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria (eds M.E. Trujillo, S. Dedysh, P. DeVos, B. Hedlund, P. Kämpfer, F.A. Rainey and W.B. Whitman). 2022. In press.

Hurych J, Štícha R et al. Lékařská mikrobiologie – repetitorium. [Medical microbiology – repetitorium.] Praha: Triton, 2020. ISBN 978-80-7553-844-4.

Cools P, Nemec A, Kämpfer, Vaneechoutte M. AcinetobacterChryseobacteriumMoraxella, and other nonfermentative Gram-negative rods. In: Carroll KC, Pfaller MA, Landry ML, McAdam AJ, Patel R, Richter SS, Warnock DW (ed). Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 12th edition. Washington D.C.: ASM Press, 2019; 829–857. ISBN 9781555819835.

Vaneechoutte M, Nemec A, Kämpfer P, Cools P, Wauters G. AcinetobacterChryseobacteriumMoraxella, and other nonfermentative Gram-negative rods. In: Jorgensen J, Pfaller M, Carroll K, Funke G, Landry M, Richter S, Warnock D (ed). Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 11th edition. Washington D.C.: ASM Press, 2015; 813–837. ISBN 978-1-55581-7374. [full text]

Vaneechoutte M, Dijkshoorn L, Nemec A, Kämpfer P, Wauters G. AcinetobacterChryseobacteriumMoraxella, and other nonfermentative Gram-negative rods. In: Versalovic J, ed. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 10th edition. Washington D.C.: ASM Press, 2011; 714–738. ISBN 978-1-55581-678-0. [full text]

Nemec A. Antimicrobial resistance and clonality in Acinetobacter baumannii. Prague: 2009. ISBN 978-80-254-4699-7. [full text]

Dijkshoorn L, Nemec A. The diversity of the genus Acinetobacter. In: Gerischer U, ed. Acinetobacter Molecular Biology. Norfolk UK: Caister Academic Press, 2008; 1–34. ISBN 978-1-904455-20-2. [full text]

Nemec AMechanizmy vzniku rezistencie. [Mechanisms of resistance.] In: Ján Gajdošík J, Moro M, eds. Diagnostika a liečba infekčných ochorení v ambulantnej praxi. [Diagnosis and therapy of infectious diseases in ambulatory praxis.] Bratislava: Dr. Josef Raabe, 2006; C1/1–C1/8.

Urbášková P, Toršová V, Nemec A. Antibiotika u nozokomiálních nákaz. [Antibiotics in nosocomial infections.] In: Šrámová H, ed. Nozokomiální nákazy [Nosocomial infections]. Prague: Maxdorf-Jessenius, 1995; 135–154. ISBN 80-85912-00-7.

Theses up

Nemec AAntimicrobial resistance and clonality in Acinetobacter baumannii. PhD thesis. Leiden University. 2009. [full text] [cover] [propositions]

Nemec AStudium lékařsky významných kmenů rodu Acinetobacter (Soubor publikovaných prací z let 1996–2004 s komentářem). [Study of medically relevant strains of the genus Acinetobacter (Colllection of articles published in 1996–2004 with commentary)]. Associate professor thesisCharles University in Prague. Prague 2004. [full text] (In Czech)

Nemec ADiverzita kmenů rodu Acinetobacter izolovaných z člověka. [Diversity of strains of the genus Acinetobacter isolated from humans.] PhD thesis. Charles University in Prague. Prague 2003. [summary]

Nemec AÚčinek killer faktoru na protoplasty kvasinek. [Effect of killer toxin on yeast protoplasts.] Master’s thesis. Charles University. Prague 1987. (In Czech)

Students‘ theses completed under the supervison or co-supervison of A. Nemec (selected)  up

Marta Fridrichová. Bakterie rodu Acinetobacter u popáleninových pacientů ve Fakultní nemocnici Královské Vinohrady. [Bacteria of the genus Acinetobacter in burn patients at the Royal Vinohrady Teaching Hospital.] Qualification thesis. Czech Technical University in Prague. Royal Vinohrady Teaching Hospital. Prague 2019. [full text] (In Czech)

Matěj Nemec. NSAT – Nucleotide Sequence Analysis Toolkit. Bachelor’s thesis (supervisor: Jan Tesař). Czech Technical University in Prague. Kladno 2018. [full text]

Ladislava Švandová. Extenzivně rezistentní Acinetobacter baumannii v České republice: populačně genetická struktura a mechanizmy rezistence ke karbapenemům a aminoglykosidům. [Extensively resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in the Czech Republic: population genetic structure and mechanisms of resistance to carbapenems and aminoglycosides.] Master’s thesis. Charles University. Prague 2018. [full text] [erratum] (In Czech)

Šárka Vošahliková. Molekulární epidemiologie a vlastnosti bakteriálních původců infekcí plic u pacientů s cystickou fibrózou. [Molecular epidemiology and characterisation of bacterial pathogens of lung infection in patients with cystic fibrosis.] PhD thesis. Charles University in Prague. Prague 2014. (In Czech)

Lenka Křížová. Genetic basis of multidrug resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii. PhD thesis. Charles University in Prague. Prague 2014. [full text]

Lucie Kladivová. Role efluxového systému AdeABC v rezistenci Acinetobacter baumannii k aminoglykozidům. [The role of the AdeABC efflux system in resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii to aminoglycosides.] Master’s thesis. Charles University in Prague. Prague 2014. [full text] (In Czech)

Lucie Kladivová. Efluxové systémy v antimikrobní rezistenci Acinetobacter baumannii. [Efflux systems in antimicrobial resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii.] Bachelor’s thesis. Charles University in Prague. Prague 2010. (In Czech)

Ela Macháneková. Acinetobacter spp. – zhodnotenie stavu rezistencie na antimikróbne látky v rokoch 2001-2002. [Acinetobacter spp. – evaluation of the status of resistance to antimicrobial agens in 2001–2002.] Dissertation thesis. University of Trnava. Trnava 2004. (In Slovak)

Alena Kiewegová. Antimikrobiální aktivity ve střevě Phlebotomus dubosqui. [Antimicrobial activities in the gut of Phlebotomus dubosqui.] Master’s thesis (supervisor: Petr Volf). Charles University in Prague. Prague 1999. (In Czech)

Other articles in extenso up

Nemec A*, Maixnerová M. Upozornění na šíření kmenů Acinetobacter baumannii citlivých pouze ke kolistinu a výzva ke spolupráci při posouzení závažnosti situace v Česku. [A warning regarding the spread of Acinetobacter baumannii strains susceptible to colistin only and a call for cooperation in risk assessment in the Czech Republic]. Zprávy CEM (SZÚ, Praha) 2020; 29(3): 118–119. [full text]

Radolfová-Křížová L*, Maixnerová M, Jakubů V, Nemec A. Extenzivně rezistentní kmeny Acinetobacter baumannii nesoucí geny pro karbapenemázu OXA-23 a metylázu ArmA v nemocnicích České republiky. [Extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains carrying genes encoding carbapenemase OXA-23 and methylase ArmA in hospitals of the Czech Republic]. Zprávy CEM (SZÚ, Praha) 2016; 25(6–7): 231–234. [full text]

Dijkshoorn L*, Nemec A, Carretto E. Acinetobacter baumannii, a troublesome guest in the hospital. GImPIOS 2011; 1(2): 52–56.

Nemec A, Křížová L, Maixnerová M, Šmejcová A, PSA. Multirezistentní Acinetobacter baumannii nesoucí geny pro karbapenemázy NDM-1 a OXA-23 importovaný do České republiky. [Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strain carrying genes encoding carbapenemases NDM-1 and OXA-23 imported to the Czech Republic]. Zprávy CEM (SZÚ, Praha) 2011; 20(8): 295–298. [full text]

Nemec AK otázce citlivosti Enterobacter cloacae k ceftazidimu. [Towards the issue of Enterobacter cloacae susceptibility to ceftazidime.] Zprávy EM 2009; 18(9): 294–295.[full text]

Nemec A. Acinetobacter ursingii a Acinetobacter schindleri, nové druhy z České republiky. [Acinetobacter ursingii and Acinetobacter schindleri, novel species from the Czech Republic.] Zprávy CEM 2001; 10: 434–435. [full text]

Nemec A. Identifikace nemocničních kmenů acinetobakterů. [Identification of hospital Acinetobacter strains.] Zprávy CEM 1996; (9): 12–13. [full text]

Abstracts of conference papers in English (selected) up

Shestivska V*, Maixnerová M, Skřivanová E, Vlková E, Kyselková M, Nemec AUsing MALDI-TOF MS for the detection of putative new Acinetobacter species from cattle feces. [Abstract THP-25]. In: Book of Abstracts. 16th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference & 8th Informal Proteomic Meeting & 10th Czech Mass Spectrometry Conference. September 29–October 1, 2022. Prague, Czechia. Page 81. [abstract & poster]

Nemec A*, L. Radolfová-Křížová, M. Maixnerová, M. Nemec, P. Španělová, O. Šedo, B. S. Lopes, P. G. Higgins. Delineation of a novel environmental phylogroup of the genus Acinetobacter encompassing Acinetobacter terrae sp. nov., Acinetobacter terrestris sp. nov. and three tentative species. [Abstract P1-4]. In: Abstract Book Acinetobacter 2019. The 12th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter: September 4–6, 2019. Frankfurt, Germany. [abstract & poster]

Radolfová-Krizova L, Higgins PG, Nemec A. Cleaning up the nomenclatural chaos in the genus Acinetobacter: the effectively but not validly published names ‘Acinetobacter oryzae’ Chaudhary et al. 2012, ‘Acinetobacter plantarum’ Du et al. 2016, ‘Acinetobacter refrigeratoris’ Feng et al. 2014 and ‘Acinetobacter seohaensis’ Yoon et al. 2007 are synonymous with the validly published names of well-established species. [Abstract O1-1]. In: Abstract Book. Acinetobacter 2017. The 11th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter: September 20–22, 2017. Seville, Spain. Page 04. [abstract & talk]

Krizova L, Nemec AAn effective approach to retrieve culturable Acinetobacter spp. from the soil environment. [Abstract P SOIL 56]. In: Program book. BAGECO 2015. The 13th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology. June 14–18, 2015. Milan, Italy. Page 155. [poster]

Vrestiakova E, Krizova L, Paterova P, Nemec AEmergence of carbapenem resistance in an outbreak Acinetobacter baumannii strain mediated by a point mutation in the promoter of the OXA-164 gene. [Abstract P 43a]. In: Book of abstracts. Acinetobacter 2015. The 10th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter: June 3–5, 2015. Athens, Greece. Page 98.

Nemec A, Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Vrestiakova E, Sedo O, Clermont D & Grillot-Courvalin C. Towards the taxonomy of the Acinetobacter lwoffii group: The name A. lwoffii pertains to DNA group 9 and not to DNA group 8 as originally proposed by Bouvet & Grimont (1986). [Abstract P 6A]. In: Book of abstracts. Acinetobacter 2015. The 10th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter: June 3–5, 2015. Athens, Greece. Page 61.

Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Nemec ANatural soil and water ecosystems as a source of a high taxonomic diversity of Acinetobacter. [Abstract P 6B]. In: Book of abstracts. Acinetobacter 2015. The 10th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter: June 3–5, 2015. Athens, Greece. Page 107. [poster]

Nemec A, Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Zdrahal Z, Sedo O. Acinetobacter bohemicus sp. nov., widespread in natural soil and water ecosystems in the Czech Republic. [Abstract P1-4]. In: Book of abstracts. Acinetobacter 2013. The 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter: June 19–21, 2013. Cologne, Germany. Page 11. [poster]

Nemec A, Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Zdrahal Z, Sedo O, Higgins PG. Taxonomic studies on the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus – Acinetobacter baumannii complex with the delineation of major phylogenetic groups and proposal of Acinetobacter seifertii sp. nov. [Abstract O1-3]. In: Book of abstracts. Acinetobacter 2013. The 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter: June 19–21, 2013. Cologne, Germany. Page 6.

Krizova L, Poirel L, Nordmann P, Nemec ATEM-1 β-lactamase as the cause of sulbactam resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii. [Abstract O3-2]. In: Book of abstracts. Acinetobacter 2013. The 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter: June 19–21, 2013. Cologne, Germany. Page 43.

Krizova L, Bonnin RA, Poirel L, Nordmann P, Nemec AMultidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii carrying the carbapenemase NDM-1 encoding gene introduced into the Czech Republic. [Abstract R2547]. In: Abstracts of the 22nd ECCMID, London, United Kingdom, 31 March–3 April 2012. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(s3): S762.

Krizova L, Dijkshoorn L, Nemec AAbaR3-like genomic resistance islands are associated with Acinetobacter baumannii strains of European clone I. [Abstract P627]. In: Abstracts of the 21st ECCMID/27th ICC, Milan, Italy, 7-10 May 2011. Clin Microbiol Infect 2011; 17(s4): S131.

Nemec A, Krizova L, Maixnerova M, van den Reijden TJK, Deschaght P, Passet V, Vaneechoutte M, Brisse S, Dijkshoorn L. Taxonomy of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus–Acinetobacter baumannii complex with the proposals of Acinetobacter pittii sp. nov. (formerly genomic species 3) and Acinetobacter nosocomialis sp. nov. (formerly genomic species 13TU). [Abstract P21]. In: Abstracts of the 8th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter: Acinetobacter 2010. Rome, Italy, 1–3 September 2010. Page 68. [abstract]

Krizova L, Dijkshoorn L, Nemec AThree novel variants of the AbaR3 resistance island in multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains of European clone I. [Abstract O23]. In: Abstracts of the 8th International Symposium on the Biology of AcinetobacterAcinetobacter 2010. Rome, Italy, 1–3 September 2010. Page 30. [abstract]

Krizova L, Berger-Bächi B, Nemec AA 63-kb genomic resistance island in an Acinetobacter baumannii isolate from 1977 [Abstract P793]. In: Abstracts of the 20th ECCMID, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 April 2010. Clin Microbiol Infect 2010; 16(2): S203. [abstract]

Nemec A, Higgins P, Jezek P, Krizova L. Aminoglycoside resistance in a clinical isolate of Acinetobacter genomic species 13TU is associated with the up-regulation of an AdeABC-like efflux system [Abstract P795]. In: Abstracts of the 20th ECCMID, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 April 2010. Clin Microbiol Infect 2010; 16(2): S204. [abstract] [poster]

Šedo O, Voráč A, Teshim A, Nemec A, Tvrzová L, Sedláček I, Zdráhal Z. MALDI MS profiling of bacteria (MO03). 27th Informal Meeting on Mass Spektrometry. Retz, Austria, May 3-6, 2009. ISBN 978-3-200-01508-1.

Nemec A, M. Maixnerova, L. Krizova, M. Musilek. Multiresistant epidemic clones of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the Czech Republic [Abstract P1496]. In: Abstracts of the 19th ECCMID, Helsinki, Finland, 16-19 May 2009. Clin Microbiol Infect 2009; 15(s4): S420. [abstract] [poster]

Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Dijkshoorn L, Nemec AResistance genomic islands related to AbaR1 are common in Acinetobacter baumannii strains belonging to European clone I [Abstract O442]. In: Abstracts of the 19th ECCMID, Helsinki, Finland, 16-19 May 2009. Clin Microbiol Infect 2009; 15(s4): S92. [abstract]

Nemec A, Maixnerova M, van der Reijden TJK, Krizova L, Dijkshoorn L. The recent increase in Acinetobacter baumannii resistance to carbapenems in the Czech Republic is associated with the spread of genotypically highly related strains of European clone II [Abstract O303]. In: 18th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Barcelona, Spain, 19–22 April 2008. Clin Microbiol Infect 2008; 14: S62. [abstract]

Krizova L, Maixnerova M, Dijkshoorn M, Nemec ADiversity of antibiotic resistance determinants among the recent population of Acinetobacter baumannii strains belonging to European clone II [Abstract P1518]. In: 18th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Barcelona, Spain, 19–22 April 2008. Clin Microbiol Infect 2008; 14: S437. [abstract] [poster]

Dijkshoorn L, Vaneechoutte M, DeBaere T, van der Reijden T, Nemec AThe Diversity of the Genus Acinetobacter Determined by AFLP Analysis [Abstract R041]. In: General 107th Meeting ASM, Toronto, ON, Canada, 21–25 May 2007. ISBN 1-55581-4344. [abstract]

Seifert H, Dijkshoorn L, Gielen J, Nemec A, Osterhage K, Erhard M, Krut O. Evaluation of MALDI-TOF MS for Identification of Acinetobacter Species [Abstract C172]. In: General 107th Meeting ASM, Toronto, ON, Canada, 21–25 May 2007. ISBN 1-55581-4344. [abstract]

Diancourt L, Passet V, Nemec A, Dijkshoorn L, Brisse S. Precise identification and phylogenetic relationships of major multi-resistant clones of Acinetobacter baumannii by multilocus sequence typing [abstract O147]. In: 17th ECCMID/25th ICC, Munich, Germany, 31 March–3 April 2007. Clin Microbiol Infect 2007; 13(suppl 1): S30.

Nemec A, Maixnerová M, van der Reijden TJK, Jindrák V, Smíšek J, Dijkshoorn L. Instability of amikacin resistance in a carbapenem-resistant strain of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated during a hospital outbreak [abstract O9]. In: Abstracts of the 7th International Symposium on the Biology of AcinetobacterAcinetobacter 2006. Barcelona, Spain, 8–10 November 2006. [abstract]

Nemec A, Maixnerová M, van der Reijden TJK, van den Broek PJ, Dijkshoorn L. Relationship between the AdeABC efflux system gene content, netilmicin susceptibility and multidrug resistance in a genotypically diverse population of Acinetobacter baumannii [abstract P9]. In: Abstracts of the 7th International Symposium on the Biology of AcinetobacterAcinetobacter 2006. Barcelona, Spain, 8–10 November 2006. [abstract]

Dijkshoorn L, Vaneechoutte M, De Baere T, van der Reijden TJK, Nemec AThe diversity of the genus Acinetobacter, current state and emerging problems [abstract P1]. In: Abstracts of the 7th International Symposium on the Biology of AcinetobacterAcinetobacter 2006. Barcelona, Spain, 8–10 November 2006.

Dijkshoorn L, van der Reijden TJK, Nemec A. AFLP fingerprinting to investigate the taxonomy and epidemiology of bacteria of the genus Acinetobacter [abstract pD2]. In: Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter: Acinetobacter 2004. Dublin, Ireland, 15-17 September 2004.

De Baere T, Dijkshoorn L, Nemec A, Vaneechoutte M, Young D, Ornston LN, van der Reijden TJK, Dijkshoorn L. The Naturally Transformable Acinetobacter Strain BD4 Belongs to the Newly Described Species Acinetobacter baylyi [abstract pD4]. In: Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on the Biology of AcinetobacterAcinetobacter 2004. Dublin, Ireland, 15–17 September 2004.

Dijkshoorn L, Nemec A, van der Reijden TJK, De Baere T, Ježek P, van den Broek PJ, Vaneechoutte M. Extended description of three novel Acinetobacter species of possible clinical relevance, Acinetobacter ursingiiAcinetobacter schindleri and Acinetobacter parvus. Presented at the 104th General ASM Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 23–27, 2004. [poster]

Nemec A, Dijkshoorn L, van der Reijden TJK, De Baere T, van den Broek PJ, Vaneechoutte M. The recognition of two tentative novel species among haemolytic Acinetobacter strains [abstract P1855]. In: 14th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Prague, Czech Republic, 1–4 May 2004. Clin Microbiol Infect 2004; 10(suppl 3): 530. [abstract]

Nemec A, Dijkshoorn L, Cleenwerck I, De Baere T, Janssens D, van der Reijden TJK, Ježek P, Vaneechoutte MAcinetobacter parvus sp. nov., a small colony-forming species isolated from human specimens. The 1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 29 June–3 July 2003.

Nemec A, van der Reijden T, Dijkshoorn L. Dissemination of structurally related class I integrons among Acinetobacter baumannii clones [abstract P742]. In: Abstracts of the 13th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Glasgow, UK, 10–13 May 2003. Clin Microbiol Infect 2003; 9(suppl 1): 163. [abstract]

Nemec A, De Baere T, Tjernberg I, Vaneechoutte M, Dijkshoorn L. Acinetobacter ursingii sp. nov., a new species associated with nosocomial infections [abstract 22]. In: Abstracts of the 5th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 2000: 22.

Nemec A. Multiresistant clones of Acinetobacter baumannii in the Czech Republic [abstract P.3.5.3.]. In: Abstracts presented at the 4th International Conference of the Hospital Infection Society. J Hosp Infect 1998; 40(suppl A).

Nemec A, Melter O, Mohelská E. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of clinical isolates of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex [abstract P882]. In: Abstracts of the 8th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Clin Microbiol Infect 1997; 3(suppl 2): 215.

Schindler J, Aldová E, Nemec A, Potužníková B, Rypáčková B, Urbášková P, Koštrnová A. Mesophilic Aeromonas strains isolated in Czechoslovakia [abstract 74]. In: Abstracts of the Conference on Taxonomy and Automated Identification of Bacteria. Prague, 1992: 45.